Posts Tagged ‘Crackdown’

When I first started gaming I played lots of different games, some of them on my own and a few with some mates. It dawned on me the other day that I have been playing more co-op games of late and not because I’m afraid of gaming on my own, but more because I find it a much better experience when you’re sat with your partner/friend in the same room or across the internet working together.

Multiplayer gaming is what people look to more often than not these days, but for me, I like to take into consideration games that my partner (Kirsty) can play with me. The amount of co-op games is on the rise, some good and some bad, but the shift is obvious; co-op is the new single player!

So, what’s the attraction of co-op gaming? For me it’s because I can hold a conversation with Kirsty that doesn’t involve any over- explanation because she doesn’t have a clue what I’m on about. Co-op is also something that we can do together and work as a team which beats playing with yourself (no pun intended… well maybe a little). You can discuss tactics and have a laugh, and you can also explore the story together. The main problem when it comes to co-op gaming is finding a decent game to play, so I have decided to do you a list with my recommendations in no particular order.
